Slacketty Slack Slack Slack

errr….I know, I know. I suck. I don’t read, I don’t write, I don’t call. What is my fucking problem.  Truth be told, I have been spending way too much time on a mindless (but fun) message board. blah, blah, blah…meanwhile my brain is feeling gelatanus and gummy.  I decided I needed to do some housekeeping.  I pitched everything on my nightstand because clearly nothing was inspiring me and went out on a search for newer, fresher reading material.  By newer I just mean different.  So, today I totally snuck into the school library (seriously, its closed, so I had to go down to the basement and take the freight elevator up to the library floor which is the only entrance when the front doors are locked) and snoop around in the dark looking for new reading materials (by the way, the librarian is really cool and just the fact that I went through such measures for books would have swooned her,  so I have no guilt about my sneakiness, plus I plan to email her with all my booty, so all is good there).  I have to tell you, this was possibly one of the most fun things I have ever done.  The school library ROCKS and I could have come away with truckloads but I decided on three.  Here they are:

The Eyre Affair

A Novel

and the one I will probably read first….

A NovelI’m obsessed with this cover.  It’s so compelling.

So, dear friends, book bloggers, Twilight fans, and the poor people who have come here looking for coitus (see previous post) I say don’t give up.  There is hope for me yet.

10 Responses to “Slacketty Slack Slack Slack”

  1. I just got The Eyre Affair from Bookmooch – maybe I should pick it up next!

  2. Look At Me is an awesome novel. I also recommend Egan’s The Keep.

    Did the coitus help at all? I created a tab for my blog…

  3. Michelle Says:

    I was beginning to worry about you and your absence and hoping it was just a general malaise and not something serious going on with you! I’ve been reading more lately because (1) I can’t sleep and (2) there is nothing on TV that interests me other than Food Network and HGTV. I’m going to need some good reading material for the hours I’m about to be spending with a baby attached to me, so keep me posted on these books.

  4. Jeannine Says:

    Welcome back. I have been gone a while too. Nicole and I just got back from a cruise. It was wonderful!!
    The Doule Bind is a good choice. I thought it was very good.

  5. I absolutely loved The Eyre Affair so I’m anxious to know what you think of it. I’ve enjoyed Bohjalian’s other novels and have his latest on my wishlist, so I’ll be watching to see if it’s worth reading. 🙂

  6. Stephanie – I can’t wait to read it, it looks great.

    Adam, I have read The Keep. I loved it.

    Michelle – well, you know me. I am flakey, but reading is never soemthign I’ll give up fro very long. Hey if you wanna write a little somehitng about any of the books you’ve read recently, I’ll post it on here. It can be just a paragraph or more. I know you have nothing but time on your hands right now. HA!

    Jeanine – So glad you guys had fun. I’m jealous! I juist started on The Double Bind. So far so good, but I’m only on page 11.

    Lesley – Hiya! I am looking forward to reading both of these books!

  7. The Eyre Affair was such a fun book. It’s one of those that I just picked up on a whim at the bookstore one day and absolutely adored. Enjoy!

  8. The Eyre Affair is lots of fun. Enjoy!

  9. Wow – sounds like a very exciting way to get access to books. Looks like a great haul of books, too. I think I have read The Eyre Affair, or maybe it was one of his other books…

  10. *sigh* I think I’m the only one on the planet that didn’t like The Eyre Affair. I bought it for my mom for mother’s day one year, because she’s a big reader as well, and it seemed like perfect book-lover material. After she finished it, I read it, but I found it disappointing. I don’t know-I guess I just didn’t enjoy Thursday. Maybe I should give it another try, though, since everyone else seemed to really like it.

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