It’s all happening!

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Title: Swann’s way

Author: Proust, Marcel


Copy Barcode: 31022006023219

Copy Number:

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4 Responses to “It’s all happening!”

  1. I’ve had my eye on this book for awhile. I hope you enjoy šŸ™‚

  2. If you can get it read before you have to return it, well, that will be among the more impressive reading feats of the year, I wager.

    I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did.

  3. Ok ok ok I wasnt gonna say anything until the summer but because of this post I feel forced to let you know.

    I have a challenge that me and my ‘editor’ M are doing this summer. If your up for it…
    the challenge is that during the summer months we would read THE ENTIRE SEVEN VOLUMES of this series. Here is the catch. M and I want to make challenges HURT (because we are evil you know) and we decided that if we do not make it through we had to donate a said amount of money (you decide the amount before hand) to a local used book store that we both love and support because it gives books at 50 cents to everyone ( basically they are all about the books not the money). If one of us does not complete the challenge then we give the other the cash. If you wanna be crazy like us and join this endeavor (like I said I was gonna make the post after the classics challenge) then let me know!!! It is absolutely ridiculously specific which isn’t as fun as a challenge but I like it when things are hard to accomplish. I was never the easy one to be around šŸ˜‰

    Happy Reading!

  4. LK- OK, you’re scaring me…..

    Nessie -You ARE crazy! How dare you come onto my blog and make such demands! Just kidding, I am thinking about your “little” challenge and Will let you know. You must know I’m bloody awful at challenges. I almost never do what I’m told.

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