Orhan Pamuk 101

In preparation for reading Snow, I have decided to read Istanbul: Memories and the City first.  It was handed to me a few minutes ago by our wonderful High School librarian (I work at a private school) and I was thrilled to see it’s a lovely trade paperback version.  I am already a bit smitten with it, as I just cracked it open to find this lovely quote on the opening page.

The beauty of a landscape resides in its melancholy.                      

– Ahmet Rasim

I’ll keep you posted on this one.

11 Responses to “Orhan Pamuk 101”

  1. Oh these sound so serious! This week my boss and I were lamenting the days when we didn’t mind reading serious books, which was ruined by taking jobs where all day we concentrate on reading contracts, cases, etc. When I’m off, I don’t want to have to concentrate too much when I read. So let me know how these are, and maybe I’ll venture out of my current comfort zone.

  2. Hey Michelle – I hope you had a nice holiday and hoepfully you are feeing a little better. I know, these are a bit on the serious side but they are what I am in the mood for lately. I am craving non-fiction and poetry at the moment, I guess its just something about January. You need to check out my best and worst list of 2006. There are a bunch of good books listed, and try the chick lit I recommended, its really fun good reading! Also, listen to Damien Rice song on my blog….its so good! Love ya!

  3. Now that’s preparation! I hope you enjoy it!

  4. Feeling much better just this week, thanks and holidays were great (except for the morning sickness). I’ve been reading several of your suggestions – in the middle of Crow Lake now. Loved the Damien Rice song – need to put it on my iPod. Thank God for you taking such an interest and the time to research and read reviews. Emily said she’s been checking out your suggestions lately too. I’m never in the mood for serious anymore, but would be willing to attempt it if you rave about the book!

  5. Dorothy – Thanks, I hope I enjoy it too.

    Michelle – Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. This blog has been a really gratifying endeavor, thanks for your loyalty! Damien Rice is my new favorite thing. Even Owen knows the words to the song now! HA!

  6. I’ve enjoyed it. At least Owen isn’t singing Jaz Z like Danny has Chloe doing. Nothing like a 1 year old singing “Show me what you got little mama.”

  7. Hi! I’m new to book-blogging, and I thought I’d let you know that I’m adding a link to your blog on mine. 🙂

    I’m excited about going on a Pamuk kick as well. I’m starting with The Black Book, however. Can’t wait to see your thoughts on him!

  8. I want to read more Pamuk myself. Look forward to hearing more about this one.

  9. Eva – Welcome to the book blogging world. It’s a friendly one! I will add you to my blogroll as well, thanks!

    LK – I wish I could have a second to get started on this book……so busy.

  10. Hi… I’d like to hear what you think of Snow. I’ve just added “My Name is Red” to my TBR pile.

  11. Kisane – I hope to start reading Snow soon.

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