Archive for the On Deck Category

It’s Monday, and here is What I’m reading.

Posted in Currently Reading, On Deck on October 25, 2010 by sherid

I  just started reading The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston, and I think it will be good, but its too early to tell at this point.

Also, on my nightstand is:

The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao Díaz, Junot, 1968-
The uncommon reader Bennett, Alan
Prodigal summer : a novel Kingsolver, Barbara.
Tipping the velvet Waters, Sarah

So, it looks to be a great week of reading for me.  What are you reading??

Just some quick thoughts about what I’m reading as I have my morning coffee and toast. I love Sunday mornings.

Posted in On Deck, The Spread on January 13, 2008 by sherid


I am currently reading After Dark by Haruki Murakami, its very good so far, I think it’s pure genius to start out a novel in a Denny’s in Japan at 1:00 AM.  Try screwing that up.

Also, because I think Eat, Pray, Love has changed my life (very Oprah-ish blog post forth coming), I am reading a book Elizabeth Gilbert suggested to start out with when you want to learn to meditate and bring God into your life.  It’s called A Path With Heart by Jack Kornfield.  So far its pretty dull, but I’m hoping to get some useful information once I get into the meditation guides section.

In other news, Molokai, Tomorrow They Will Kiss, and The Cliff House Strangler, are so overdue I think the library has put out a bounty on my head.  Seriously, I’m scared to open my door for fear I’ll see a libraranazi on the other side with a tazer and kitchen shears to cut up my library card. 

On Wednesday I purchased The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields in a little used book store near my house.  I’m very excited about it!  It’s a lovely trade paperback in good condition.  One thing I must say though is that all the ladies that work in the book store seem very grumpy.  Terse, cracked, pinched, not a laugh line in sight.  They seem to hate children too, which probably does nothing for sales in their children’s book section.  Oddly enough, they keep a bowl of hard candy near the register in reach of children and when my son grabs one, as he always does, he never fails to receive a stern look from whom ever is behind the counter accompanied by an  “only if mommy says its OK” or “Have we had our lunch yet???”  It’s fine,  I grouse and grab two just to piss them off.  Lord ladies lighten up, time to dust off your copy of Lady Chatterly’s Lover…sheesh.

Anyway’s, I hope you all enjoy your Sunday doing hopefully lots of reading!  Ciao.

Rut Ro – A pile-up UPDATED SLIGHTLY.

Posted in Currently Reading, On Deck, The Line, The Spread on September 19, 2007 by sherid


I’m not an organized person, and anyone who knows me, in particular my husband and my mother-in-law, will be happy to agree and provide examples. I do, however, like to keep my reading piles organized and manageable. I don’t have more than 8 books on the bookshelf right now that I haven’t read, and those are starting to bug me. I try not to buy new books until I finish the ones I have already purchased, and I don’t like to have more than 7 or 8 checked out of the library at one time, it makes me feel kinda crazy inside my head. Crazier I should say. But, I’ve been slacking on my reading lately because of that damn message board and now I’ve got myself a good old fashioned pile-up!

Here is the damage:


In the Wood

Butcher Boy – Pat McCabeAwful, like Faulkner on crack with an Irish accent.  OY VEY.

The WhiteReturned unread.  Decided against it.

The Corrections – Jonathan Frazier

Neverwhere – Gaiman

American Gods – Gaiman

The Eyre Affair – Jasper Fjord

Night Watch – Audio CD – Sarah Waters – Will return, still want to read but lack of commute= not enough tme in car for such a long audiobook.

The House Next Door – Anne Riveres Siddon

The House on haunted Hill or Haunting or Hill house…whatever

Austenland: A Novel – Shannon Hale  – Completed!  Very Cute.

Sanctuary Hill – Kathryn Wall

Barefoot: A Novel – Elin Hilderbrand

Spanish Houses: A Rustic Mediterrian Style – Completed.

Then – On hold from the library (they could call at any second!!!) *Screams*

The Infidelity Pact – Carrie Karasyov

Love is a mix tape – Rob Sheffield

The Tenderness of Wolves – Stef Penney

Killing John Fry – Walter Mosley – Received and read.  Trash.

Rats – Robert Sullivan

and the ones I got for my birthday….

and a few others I forgot I’m sure.

help me.

Beach Reads – What do you require. Part 2

Posted in Home Field Advantage, On Deck, The Line, The Spread on July 1, 2007 by sherid

In part one of this fine series, I discussed the things you do NOT want in a beach read: Hardcovers, books that make you wanna slit your wrists, books that make you think too hard, and books that are the equivalent of crack cocaine for the brain.

Now in part two, I will discuss things you DO want in a beach read. Ready? Good.

1. A Little Suspense– There are alot of distractions at the beach.

A. It’s a lollapalooza of people watching: families screaming at one another, fat guys in man thongs, girls wearing dental floss, babies eating sand etc..

B. As a parent you have obvious responsibilities like making sure your children don’t perish in the sea during the family vacay.   Applying and re-applying sunblock 75spf every 4 seconds so that no one gets 3rd degree burns.  Combating dehydration by having an endless supply of water bottles, ice-pops, and Capri-sun and a little “mommy juice” for yourself.   You are also on official shark watch at all times. Therefore, your beach read must have suspense, something to keep you hooked so that when are distracted and interrupted for the 447th time in 30 minutes, you still have the desire to go on and not throw in the towel resigning yourself to being stalked by your children all day long.

2. A Little Romance – Yea I said it. I like a little romance in my beach read. Now before you go about promptly removing me form your blogrolls, keep in mind I did not say I liked Romance Novels, just books with a little love interest. Since I’m on a roll, I might as well go ahead and say it. Chick Lit is OK for the beach. I mean, if you’re a guy its a little weird (but still OK), but I say go for it. Lemme just go ahead and plug (again) my favorite chick lit books. Something Borrowed, and Something Blue by Emily Giffin. Read em peeps (I’m talkin to you, Michelle and Jeannine) you won’t be disappointed. They are perfect beach reads, in my not so humble opinion.

3. Choosing books that won’t make you cry when they come back from the beach lookin like they’ve been drowned in salt water and dragged behind a truck in the desert.

OK. So, Now I will reveal the first 2 out of seven books I am taking to the beach on Thursday. DRUM ROLL…

The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Paperback version. I’ve been stalling on this one for years. Now is the time. I am ready. Lets roll.

The Shadow of the Wind

2. City of Mask’s – Daniel Hechts. This is one of the books I picked up for a dollar while in Boston last fall. It’s perfect for a beach read, suspense, romance, haunted houses, New Orleans, ghosts!!!

A Cree Black Novel

One of the other books I got in Boston for a buck was The Secret History by Donna Tart. Anybody have an opinion on whether or not this might meet my qualifications??? Is it too dark and depressing or it is just a solid good read? It’s 500 freakin pages, thats one strike…but I just don’t know. HELP!!!

Book review coming….I promise.

Posted in On Deck on April 23, 2007 by sherid

Can you believe it, I’m just about to finish an entire book.  Wow.  Bookie’s brain has returned from an extended siesta.  The book is A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnolly.  I’ll try to post on it tonight, but don’t hold your breathe people, I’m flakey.